My Work

Les Glover Website

Screenshot of Les Glover's homepage

Full website build for a musician. Built in React using functional components and modular SCSS. The site has an integrated video player and small shop with bespoke basket and checkout functionality via Stripe. I worked with another developer to link front end components to a Stripe back end.

Cloud Firestore is used to store gig/performance data, with a bespoke gig entry page so that the user can input upcoming shows. The gig page loops through the live database and displays the data, without the need for a CMS.

Tech: React, Firebase, Stripe

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Fletcher Moss Website

Screenshot of the Friends of Fletcher Moss homepage

Full website build for a non-profit, completed as part of a development duo. The site was build from scratch using WordPress, and adapted an existing theme into a bespoke design using custom CSS and plugins. The organisation has also been provided with training, so that they can further manage the content.

Tech: WordPress

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Screenshot of the Spotchecks homepage

Content and contact pages for a postcode lookup tool. Implemented designs for content pages, as well as SEO research and improvements based on keywords. The tool is built in React, with modular styling and functional components. I also built the contact form, which is built using Netlify and has a bespoke modal upon successful submission, including an animation.

Tech: React

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Screenshot of the Polychromatic blog

Company website built in React and hosted via Netlify. I created the blog and section and carried out routine upgrades to the website, integrating Sanity as a CMS solution and styling a bepoke modal for form subissions. Blog articles are written by the user in Sanity Studio and subsequently output directly onto the blog pages. The website is also designed sustainably and greenhosted.

Tech: React, Sanity

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Screenshot of the Decider tool

A very early project when I was first learning JavaScript! I built a tool to help with day to day indecisiveness, which allows for more options than a coin flip. This was built using JavaScript, HTML and SCSS. It combines the Math.random() and Math.floor() methods to randomly select one of an unlimited number of options entered by the user.

Tech: JavaScript, HTML, CSS

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NDA-protected Work

As much of the client work I have carried out is protected by an NDA, below is a top-level overview of the projects I have worked on and the technology used, without divulging any confidential information.

CRM interface design and updates

Censored screenshot of an interface similar to NPDTech

A CRM provider required a number of updates and visual upgrades to their product, including making the platform responsive. I converted a number of in-house designs and created a user dashboard, working with the CTO to hook up the user interface with the complex back end.

I also built an alternative to Feature Upvote, linking their WordPress website to an API containing content produced by the software's users.

Tech: JavaScript, WordPress, Postman


Censored image of a doctor's computer showing a graph

Freelance work on eDetailing for an agency providing sales aids for pharmaceutical companies. A slide deck would be provided, with designs which were to be exactly replicated using CSS and a number of CSS libraries from project to project.

Tech: JavaScript, Veeva, Handlebars, EMA

Social Media Analysis Tool

Censored image of an analytics dashboard

Worked on the styling of a data visualisation tool rivalling Brandwatch. This project involved styling the user interface (specifically the dashboard for analysing TikTok data). I used HTML and CSS to style components in line with the existing branding.